The Twenty-fifth Anniversary of Lloyd's Newspaper.

On Friday, a deputation from the employés of Mr Edward Lloyd waited upon that gentleman to present him with the following congratulatory address, which was engrossed on vellum, and bore the signatures of every one employed In his printing establishments:—

“To Edward Lloyd, Esq, Proprietor of Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper.

“Dear Sir,-The twenty-fifth anniversary, or 'silver wedding' of Lloyd's Newsspaper affords us an opportunity of offering to you our warmiest and most heartfelt congratulations upon the extraordinary and unparalleled success which has attended your efforts to establish a paper for the million. We rejoice that your indomitable perseverance and determination have enabled you to triumph over the gigantlo difficulties which beset your path when this journal was started. The paper duty, the stamp duty, and the advertisement duty presented obstacles which were almost sufficient to deter anyone from issuing a cheap nowspaper. Lloyd's News, however, when bronght out under your direction, speedily becamo popular with all classes, and has proved the pioneer of the cheap press of this country. The steady and determined advocacy in its columns of the abolition of the taxes on knowledge contributed largely to the repeal of those obnoxious imposts, which one by one have been swept from the statute book—thus enabling you to issue your journal at one-third of the original price. When the stamp duty was removed, and the paper reduced to twopence, the circulation became so extended that the most improved machinery In this country was insufficient to supply the weekly demand. This difficulty is overcome by your great foresight in first introdueing Hoe's rotary maohines into England, by means of which the power of production was increased to an enormous extent, and you are now enabled to supply the extraordinary demand—exceeding by many thousands half a million a week. We have seen your great and untiring perseverance further exemplified in the erection of most costly and extensive mills for the manufactureof paper for your journal. In looking back, as several amongst us can, to the advent of your newspaper, and in dwelling upon the highly satisfactory results which have been attained, we feel great and unsquaalfied pleasure In congratulating you upon being the originator and sole proprietor of Lloyd’s Weekly London Newspaper.

“May the successes of the past—unprecedented, we believe, in the history of newspaper literature—be harbingers of greater prosperity in the future. As your journal has beeome a national institution, It is our earnest hope that its ciroulation may continue to increase, and that its progress may at all times be commensurate with your desires.

“Again congratulating you on the success which has attended your efforts during the last quarter of a century, we, the employés upon Lloyd’s Newspaper, sincerely trust that health and a long life may be given you to enjoy the fruits of your anxious and protracted labours.”

The address, having been read by the gentleman longest engaged on the firm, was then presented to Mr. Lloyd, who, in a few feeling words, expressed his gratification at receiving such a mark of klndness and oonsidcralo, Several amongst the deputation, he said, had been with him before the starting of the paper, and had grown up with It. It gave him great pleasure to meet them at all times—more epecally on an occasion like the present; and trusted that the good foolhng wlhich had alwvays existed would still continue to prevail.—The deputation then withdrew, higbly pleased with the kind reception they had met with.

Birmingham Daily Post—Wednesday 04 December 1867.